Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Do Hollywood or Rock stars need social media strategies?

Yes, I believe that Hollywood or Rock stars need censoring when it comes to social media.  No one truly wants to know every little thing a star's doing at a given time.  Someone should be censoring tweets so that these stars don't get a bad reputation because they are to be responsible role models.

Magazines, how I would change them…

I would change magazines by having them censored more.  I understand teen magazines are meant to appeal to the younger crowd, but some of the content needs to be more carefully gone through and analyzed before it's published.  Children as well as adults are encouraged to read, but what the read needs to be entirely wholesome. 

Newspapers, how I would change them…

I would change newspapers by having more articles written by younger writers like high school or college age.  It's excellent to hear from professional writers, but sometimes teens listen more intently to their peers and their opinions.  It would also be nice to have a "Dear Abby" especially for teens so they can receive helpful advice about life.

Facebook applications I love...

I don't really use facebook applications.  I basically just comment on my friends statuses, upload pictures, send messages, chat, and become "fans" of funny things.  I used to have an animal application, however which was really cute, but a total waste of time.  You would feed the dog, play with it, and brush its fur. 

My parents are on facebook…

My parents don't have a facebook, but if they did, I wouldn't mind, because I don't  post anything bad anyway.  My dad used to have a facebook, but he deleted it since he never had time for it.  If my parents did have Facebook, it'd be weird if they were constantly commenting on my statuses, but since the don't, I have nothing to worry about. 

How schools could use social media…

Schools could use social media to text google to ask questions.  They could also text friends and family members questions like a survey to see what the majority of people think of a given subject.  Social media can be used by making videos to put on the internet based on your class topic.  Also, your class can create blogs about the subjects discussed that day and requiring each student to actively contribute to the conversation.

Technology that empowers me…

Cell Phone Clip ArtCellphones empower me because they give me the freedom to go out and hang with my friends.  Cellphones give me power by being able to make appointments on your own, schedule things, and call our friends to make plans.  Parent's don't nag as much because they know that you have communication with you at all times and parents can easily get ahold of you at anytime, so they give you freedom to roam.